On a Mechanism of Bauschinger Strain

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  • バウシンガひずみの機構について
  • バウシンガヒズミ ノ キコウ ニ ツイテ

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In this paper we have discussed on the relation between the stress and Bauschinger strain, which means the plastic strain caused by a reversed load in a transient-softening region.<br>The authors consider that Bauschinger strain can be caused by the random distribution of barriers against the movement of dislocations. The expression for the stress-strain relation in this region is established by the following assumptions: (1) The distribution of strength of barriers is normal, and (2) the effect of increase or decrease of the numher of dislocations on the strain is neglegible. According to this “random-barriers theory”, the Bauschinger effect and some incidental phenomena can be explained considerably well. Moreover, the stress-strain relation derived by the theory agrees well with the experiments on low carbon steels. The authors conclude that Bauschinger strain is mainly caused by the random distribution of barriers especially in materials containing many obstacles such as internal stresses of various scales, segregates, inclusions, pile-up of dislocations and so on.


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