A Study on the 7th chapter of the Benevolent Kings Sutra (<i>Jin-Wang-ching</i>)


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Other Title
  • 『仁王般若経』受持品について


This article concerns a problem in the 7th chapter of the Benevolent Kings Sutra. I examined the former half and latter half of this chapter, and examined important terms seen there. Several original translation terms are found in the former half, and several terms with a strong influence of Taoism in the latter half, which are also seen in the other chapters. It has come to be clear that the former half and latter half of the 7th Chapter were separately produced. So the Benevolent Kings Sutra seems to have undergone various stages in the compiled process. My conclusion is that the former half was inserted in this sutra, after translating some original Sanskrit portion into Chinese. The latter half was clearly compiled in China. Therefore, it can be guessed that the 7th chapter was added to the Benevolent Kings Sutra that had been originally one volume, and it became the present two volumes sutra. It is certain that the Benevolent Kings Sutra was finally compiled in China. However, not all the thought of the Benevolent Kings Sutra can be assumed to be of Chinese origin.


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    • JaLC
    • Crossref
    • CiNii Articles
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