Finite Element Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Singular Stres Field near an Interface Edge in Bonded Dissimilar Power-Law Hardening Materials.

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  • 指数硬化異材界面端弾塑性特異応力場の有限要素解析
  • シスウ コウカ イザイ カイメン タンダン ソセイ トクイ オウリョクバ ノ ユウゲン ヨウソ カイセキ

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The singular stress distribution around an interface edge of bonded different power-law hardening materials has been investigated by elastoplastic finite element analysis. The theoretical results based on the displacement-matching method has shown that the stress singularity depends only on the material with larger hardening exponent. However, the numerical results has shown that both the size of the yield zone and the elastic-plastic stress distribution are dependent of the material combination. It is found that there is a region within which the theoretical elastic-plastic solution is valid, but the size of such a region is strongly effected by the material combination. If the difference of the hardening exponent is small, the elastic-plastic theoretical solution may lose its physical meaning because its domain region is too small, and the logarithmic stress distribution near the interface edge behaves no longer as linear.



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