Elasto-Plastic Wave Propagation in a Finite Bar with Consideration of Temperature Rise Caused by Plastic Work

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  • 塑性仕事による温度上昇を考慮した有限長棒内の弾塑性波の伝ぱについて
  • ソセイ シゴト ニヨル オンド ジョウショウ オ コウリョシタ ユウゲンチョウ

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The problem of a cylindrical flat-ended projectile impinging on a flat rigid anvil has been analyzed by many investigators in order to assess the dynamic stress-strain relation at high strain rate. As the impact speed used in such an experiment can be higher than that of other tests such as Split Hopkinson Bar Method, temperature rise caused by plastic work cannot be neglected.<br>Thus, in this paper, the simulation of elasto-plastic wave propagated in a finite bar, which impinged on a flat rigid anvil, has been made with a computer by taking temperature rise into account. The analysis in this paper was based on the following three items.<br>(1) A constitutive equation used in the analysis is rate-dependent.<br>(2) Temperature rise has influence upon the static stress-strain relation without delay time.<br>(3) The static stress is a linear function of absolute temperature. The problem was formulated and solved numerically by the method of characteristics with a supplemental rectanguler net.<br>The numerical results show that temperature rise has influence upon the deformation resistance of specimen and unloading wave from free end. Consequently, the specimen length, impact stress, material constant K defined plastic strain rate and initial temperature have considerable influence upon stress, strain and time of contact.


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