

  • The Japanese and Mother, Reconsidered
  • ニホンジン ト ハハ サイロン



Replying to the critiques given to my previous work, on the one hand, and commenting on the recent works touching upon the significance of Japanese mother, on the other hand, I stressed the necessity to treat this problem not from individual and/or depth psychological perspective, but from the cultural point of view. It is unsustainable to presuppose the universal motherhood and fatherhood in order to analyze characteristics of Japanese society. It is also difficult to make an assertion that Japanese family has been mother-child centered from ancient times.<BR>I think that the Japanese mother gradually entered into “the vocabulary of motive” as disorganization of Japanese traditional family (IE) and vertical combination of IEs (DOZOKUDAN) proceeded. In the society where IE and DOZOKU relations prevailed, members of inferior IE must have always served to superior IE and its representatives, as Kizaemon Ariga states. Superior IE was regarded as “public, ” in relation to which inferior IE was regarded as “private, ” and the supreme order to make each IE prosper dominated the behavior of every individual.<BR>In this sense “Japanese groupism” which is another key concept for understanding Japanese should not be viewed in terms of motherhood principle or significance of mother. Groupism has been consistently the norm which orients and coordinates Japanese activities as “public.” As the consequence of disorganization of IE and DOZOKU, IE was confined in “private” sphere of, family, which supports its member's activities outside of the family, which supports its member's activities outside of the family, that is “public.” It was in such situations that mother-child relation surfaced and the mother assumed motivational meaning for japanese.


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