
  • Changing the Viewpoint of the Study of ‘Gender and School Education’
  • 「ジェンダーと学校教育」研究の視角転換-ポスト構造主義的展開へ-
  • ジェンダー ト ガッコウ キョウイク ケンキュウ ノ シカク テンカン ポスト
  • Changing the Viewpoint of the Study of ^|^lsquo;Gender and School Education^|^rsquo;
  • Toward a Poststructural Analysis
  • ポスト構造主義的展開へ



The studies of ‘gender and education’ in Japan have made female students visible in the educational system, and also have contributed toward increasing female students' educational chances. However they have not questioned how a girl/boy becomes a ‘girl/boy’, or even thought it natural that a girl/boy should become a ‘girl/boy’. This paper aims first to explain this omission, and second to show how we can come to investigate that matter in research.<BR>The reason for leaving that problem unexamined, is that they have believed that a girl/boy as sex will be a girl/boy as gender. However, gender is not the ‘social and cultural distinction’, but the practice of making differentiation.<BR>To challenge the belief, and to change the viewpoint so as to research gender as practice of making differentiation, we are urged to theorize this matter. To do this, we should consider first the effect of using the dualistic sexual category as truth, second the effect of internalizing model, and third the relation of social power in gender relation.<BR>I argue that the theory of feminist poststructuralism is useful here. I demonstrated the experimental studies based on this theory can be done also in Japan.<BR>The notion of the making of a gender is to build up the system of meanings related to sexual division through the discursive practices using the words related to the sexual division. By the concept of the making of a gender in the school, I analyze in detail the process of building up gender. I am also aimed at revealing the relation between the educational phenomena and sexual categories through drawing the practice of differentiation and constructed system of meanings.



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