
  • Pathology of Contemporary Education
  • 現代教育の病理--教育病理学の構造
  • ゲンダイ キョウイク ノ ビョウリ キョウイク ビョウリガク ノ コウゾウ
  • Structure of Educational Pathology
  • 教育病理学の構造



As there is Social Pathology as an established sub-division of sociology, so there can be Educational Pathology in educational sociology. Two kinds of educational pathological phenomena can be classified, namely pathologies arising from education on the one hand and education producing pathologies on the other; the former could be named pathologies from education, and the latter pathological education. Pathologies, are identified in terms of the two criteria, valuational or statistical. Valuational criteria employ a certain ideal or perfectness, and statistical ones normal distribution or generality. The former tend to be subjective or arbitrary and to judge nearly all phenomena but a very few perfect ones as pathological, while the latter are liable to ignore prevailing pathologies. Thus both have their difficulties.<BR>Here it is proposed to judge as pathological some defects in educational system which should be analyzed in terms of function and structure. There are two main functions, viz. task-performance or goal-attainment and self-maintenance or inner unity. A situation of fulfilling the former function can be named efficiency, the lack of whichis wastage. Educational wastage constitutes a first dimension of educational pathologies. A situation of fulfilling the latter function can be termed integration, the lack of whichis conflict. Educational conflict is a second dimension of educational pathologies. Then in analyzing the structure, there are outer relation and inner structure. A situation in which educational system maintains harmonious and positive relations to outer society can becalled adaptation, the lack of which is lag. Educational lag is a third dimension. A situation in which exists no inequality among components can be termed balance, the lack of which is imbalance. Educational imbalance constitutes a fourth dimension of educational pathologies.


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