

  • Meaning of the Word “Tanoshimi”
  • タノシミ ト イウ コトバ スポーツ ニ カンスル ハツゲン ノ シャカイガク
  • Sociology of the remarks about sports
  • スポーツに関する発言の社会学



The word “tanoshimi” has frequently appeared in the media reports on sports, but this word makes us feel that something is wrong. This paper aims to analyze that strange feeling by describing how to use this word (Chapter I).<br>In Chapter II, four types of meaning for “tanoshimi” are proposed for the discussion after this chapter. In Chapter III, interaction between the players and other people (including the media) is considered by adopting the concept of meta-message. In Chapter IV, severe criticism of players is considered by analyzing the typical comments and the interpretation on the causes of their defeat. In Chapter V, the paradoxical processes that cause the strange connotation of the words are discussed.<br>Studies about use of the words in the remarks about sports should be continued (Chapter VI).


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