Medieval Japanese Planes : Plane in the end of the Late 16th and Early 17th Century is made into an Example

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  • 我が国における中世の台鉋 : 16世紀末および17世紀初期の台鉋を事例として

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This investigation was conducted in an effort to clarify the differences and similarities between the bases and shaving outlets of the oldest Japanese planes currently in our possession. Measurements were taken of five wooden planes, one from the late 16th century, and four from the early 17th century. 1) The planes were of small size - the largest base was 218mm in length, 44mm in width, and 26.5 mm in height. 2)The differences in maximum dimensions of each part were 11 mm in length, 6mm in width, and 7.5 mm in height, indicating the similarity in size of all five planes. 3) The three planes with twin shaving outlets all had different outlet shapes. It is thought that one of these was the initial shape, from which the other two developed as modifications. 4)A square hole was noted on the top of the rear of the base of one of the five planes. It is possible that this hole was provided for the insertion of a handgrip.



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