Extraction of New Age Brand and Consideration Concerning the Feature : About the New Tendency About the Corporate Brand for a Yutori Generation

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  • 「ニューエイジ・ブランド」の抽出とその特徴に関する考察 : ゆとり世代での企業ブランドに関する新傾向について

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This paper is based on the hypothesis that evaluations of brands have changed along with changes in society. Accordingly, we focused on Japan's Yutori ("relaxed") generation-the generation educated under the Yutori education reforms since the 1990s and thought to reflect most strongly changes in brand conditions-by studying its evaluation of brands. Addressing corporate branding in particular, we questioned university students in the Yutori generation concerning the overall strengths of 42 corporate brands. From the results, we derived a weighted ranking of the brands and compared and contrasted this with the corporate brand-recognition ranking in the Nikkei Corporate Image Survey 2009, which surveyed all generations. From these results, we could identify corporate brands enjoying high support among the Yutori generation. We define these as corporate brands with strong new-age support and identify the need to examine characteristics of the design development process of these brands along with structural relations between and characteristics of the Yutori generation and other generations.



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