Stress Analysis on Flat Plates with Rivet Holes by the Birefringent Coating Method

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  • リベット穴を有する平板の光弾性皮膜法による応力解析
  • リベット アナ オ ユウスル ヘイバン ノ ヒカリダンセイ ヒマクホウ ニ ヨル オウリョク カイセキ

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In this paper, an experimental stress analysis is reported on flat plates with rivet holes of zigzag arrangement. The birefringent coating method was used in combination with the electrical analogy method to measure the principal strain ε3 normal to the plate surface. The material used was heat-treated 13% Cr steel with thickness of 3mm, and epoxy resin plate of 2mm thickness was pasted on one surface of the specimen. Nine specimens were tested, the pitch of the rivet hole p and the distance from the hole center to the plate edge e being changed in three ways, respectively.<br>The tensile loads of seven steps were applied to all these specimens, and the isochromatic fringe orders were measured at the boundaries and in the vicinities of circular holes as well as along the main cross sections. For the stress analysis in the plastic range, the Mises' yield criterion and the Prandtl-Reu β incremental strain law were adopted. The principal strain increment dε3 measured from the electrical analogy method combined with the fringe order increment dN obtained photoelastically allows the separation of each principal strain increment (dε1 and dε2), and in consequence, the principal stress increments dσ1 and dσ2 may be calculated. The principal stress σ2 acting in the minimum cross section through the hole was much smaller than the principal stress σ1. The variation of stress concentration factors at the circumference of each hole due to the increase in applied load was examined, and the evolution of plastic ranges in each load step was also investigated. Through this experiment, the spread of plastic regions was fastest in the diagonal direction between the zigzagwise located holes.


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