

  • Pull-Out of Fibers from Composite Materials at High Rate of Loading
  • フクゴウ ザイリョウ ニ オケル キョウカ センイ ノ ショウゲキ ヒキヌキ



The phenomena of pull-out in composite materials at a high rate of loading were investigated experimentally and numerically. The finite element method taking account of existence of a virtual shear deformation layer as an interface between a fiber and the matrix, or as a matrix layer, was applied. The experimental results were not explained by the classical theory of one dimensional stress wave propagation where the rigid deformation was supposed to be on the shear layer. On the other hand, the experimental results show a good agreement with the numerical one obtained by F. E. M. using the hypothesis of the interaction between the matrix and the fiber in the shear deformation layer. The numerical results show that the inter-laminar shear stress between the fiber and the matrix is time-dependent. It also depends on the applied load-time history, namely, the pulse rise time. Under step pulse loading, the inter-laminar shear stress oscillates, finally decaying to the value under static loading. However, in any case, the maximum shear stress occurs at the loaded end.


  • 材料

    材料 28 (314), 1091-1097, 1979

    公益社団法人 日本材料学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

