

  • Mechanical properties of GFRP composite materials at cryogenic temperatures.
  • GFRP フクゴウ ザイリョウ ノ テイオン ニ オケル キカイテキ セイシツ



Mechanical properties of GFRP composite materials have been studied using smooth, holed and notched tensile specimens at cryogenic temperatures ranging from 77 to 293K.<br>The maximum tensile fracture stress of the respective specimens increased almost linearly with decreasing test temperature and was related to the cross head speed by an exponential function at each test temperature. The cross head speed sensitivity exponent, m-value, of holed tensile specimens showed relatively higher values as compared with those of the smooth and notched tensile specimens.<br>The notch tensile ratios of the holed and notched tensile specimens were relatively higher by 200 to 300% as compared with those of the estimated values on the basis of the stress concentration factor which was calculated on the ground of elastic theory and the notch shape and size of the tensile specimens, probably due to the stress relaxation at the epoxy resin matrix in the neighborhood of the notched and holed portion of the tensile specimens.<br>The measured maximum fracture stress of the GFRP composite materials was discussed applying the law of mixture and was compared with the calculated values based on the law of mixture. Both the measured and estimated values showed good agreement each other after modifying the previously measured values of the maximum fracture load of the glass fiber strand.


  • 材料

    材料 37 (421), 1185-1190, 1988

    公益社団法人 日本材料学会

被引用文献 (1)*注記


詳細情報 詳細情報について

