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- Other Title
- 830. 中部日本渥美半島産更新世介形虫
- 中部日本渥美半島産更新世介形虫〔英文〕
- チュウブ ニホン アツミ ハントウサン コウシンセイ カイケイチュウ エイブン
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Pleistocene Ostracoda occur abundantly in an excellent state of preservation from the Akazawa Silt Member and the Takamatsu Shell Sand of the Toshima Sand Member, both of the Tahara Formation exposed along the Pacific coast of the Atsumi Peninsula, central Japan. The ostracod assemblage found in the Akazawa Silt Member consists of embayment dwellers with a low species diversity. This assemblage is mixed with Zostera sand dwellers in the lower and middle parts of the Akazawa Silt Member. Ostracods are scanty in its upper part. The Takamatsu Shell Sand contains in its lower half a silty-bottom dweller assemblage with a low species diversity and in its upper half a mixture of offshore-sand, nearshore-sand and mud dweller assemblages with a very high species diversity. Ostracods are represented by 101 species belonging to 55 genera. Among them there proposed are one new genus, eight new species and 14 species in open nomenclature.
- Transactions and proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan. New series
Transactions and proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan. New series 1987 (146), 49-76, 1987
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680410168832
- NII Article ID
- 110002703223
- NII Book ID
- AA00867896
- 21860963
- 00310204
- 3152510
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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