

  • Organic Agriculture Movement from the Consumers’Standpoint
  • 消費者にとっての「有機農業運動」--開かれた活動領域と残された課題
  • ショウヒシャ ニ トッテ ノ ユウキ ノウギョウ ウンドウ ヒラカレタ カツドウ リョウイキ ト ノコサレタ カダイ
  • Organic Agriculture Movement from the Consumers^|^rsquo;Standpoint
  • :An Analysis of the Development Process of a Consumer Group
  • 開かれた活動領域と残された課題



In 1971, “the Japan Organic Agriculture Association” was founded as a center of farmers and consumers who had serious concerns about the existing farming systems dependent largely on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It was the time when the term Yuki Nogyo (literally “Organic Agriculture” ) was firstly used in Japan. Soon after, a number of farmers' groups and consumers' associations were established in various parts of Japan. They created a new distribution system called SANSHO TEIKEI, in which agricultural and livestock products were dealt directly between producing farmers and consumers.<br>     “The Association for Eradication of Food Contamination and Requiring Safe Foods”, located in Hyogo prefecture, is one of such consumer groups. Through purchasing organic agricultural products collectively, members who joined the association tried to change their consumer life, which had hitherto been strongly incorporated into the market-oriented economy.<br>    At the same time, they came to recognize that organic agriculture had a close relation, though not always explicitly, with other social problems prevailing at the time such as environmental pollution, the issue of atomic energy, and even the human right issues of foreigners living in Japan. In some cases, the members took part in campaigns against these problems. Through these actions and challenges, the activities of the association partly turned from consumer movement in the narrowest sense to a kind of social movement that covers wider issues, and the members developed their consciousness not only of food security, but also of social injustice.<br>    Nowadays, organic agricultural products are generally circulating as a genre of commodities in the market. However, the above development process of a consumer group suggests that the consumer movement can generate opportunities, in which the consumers share their critical views on other social domains as well as food security issues.


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