Methodology for reliable hydrotesting with sequential testing technique in deep borehole

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  • 論文 深層岩盤を対象としたシーケンシャル水理試験手法の開発と適用
  • 深層岩盤を対象としたシーケンシャル水理試験手法の開発と適用
  • シンソウ ガンバン オ タイショウ ト シタ シーケンシャル スイリ シケン シュホウ ノ カイハツ ト テキヨウ

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Methodology for estimating the hydraulic parameters of the deep underground using single-hole test methods has been developed. A method of using sequential test to identify suitable test event was applied. This sequential test method is being started from pulse test to see rough estimation of permeability. Based on the permeability by the pulse test, slug test and/or pumping test followed by recovery test are carried out. The analysis method combined the pressure derivative technique with the semi-log straight line method. This test methodology was applied to a series of single-hole packer tests in granitic rock which demonstrated the efficacy of the approach. Real time plot of the test data with pressure derivative during the testing is effective for the decision of the data quality.


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