

  • Biopsy Case of Mesonephric Clear Cell Carcinoma in the Uterine Cervix
  • 中腎組織由来と考えられる子宮頚部淡明細胞癌の一生検例
  • チュウジン ソシキ ユライ ト カンガエラレル シキュウ ケイブ タンメイ サ



House wife,49 years old,3 deliveries in 15 pregnancies, regular cycle.<BR>Atypical genital bleeding continued since August,1976, and adenocarcinoma in the uterine cervix was detected on November when she consulted first a gynecologist. The operation was performed in the Kansai Medical University Hospital on January,1977.<BR>Pigion's egg-sized, nodular tumor occured in the anterolateral portion of the cervix of the uterus, which was normal-sized and located normally (Fig.1). Metastatic foci could be found in 3 lymph nodes, out of 8 examined nodes, histologically.<BR>Tumor cells were mainly large, clear and round shaped, and they hold glycogen granules and lipid in the cytoplasms sometimes. Histological pattern of the tumor tissue was mostly solid alveolar (hypernephroma-like) type, and tubulocystic space, in which diastaseresistant PAS-positive materials could be seen, and intracystic glomeruloid structure revealed in some places of the tumor.<BR>The mesonephric origin of the tumor was discussed, and mesonephric carcinoma of the uterine cervix was reviewed.


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