- Makita MINORU
- Yoron Kagaku Kyokai
- Takatsuki Toichi
- Yoron Kagaku Kyokai
- SAITO Sadayoshi
- Yoron Kagaku Kyokai
- Okamoto Yoshito
- Yoron Kagaku Kyokai
- Nakamura Yoichi
- Toritsu University
- Ikeuchi HAJIME
- Tokyo University
- Okabe Keizo
- Tokyo University
- Mizuhara Taisuke
- Ochanomizu University
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- 集団決定と講義の行動変化に及ぼす効果の比較
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Purpose: To find out which is more likely to rroduce the desired behavior from a group...when the desired behavior is explained by a lecture from, or when a conclusion is reached by discussion in the group.<BR>Procedure:<BR>For the above purpose, an experiment on “cleaning hands with soap as precaution against dysentery” was made in June-July, 1952, usually the season of dysentery which was especially violent that year.<BR>1) The experiment was made on the dormitory students of Japan Wonien's University; the girls were devided into 3 groups as follows: 1) 50 girls in 4 dormitory Luildings in the Discussion Group. 2) 55 girls in 3 d rmitory buildings in the Lec- ture Group and 3) 83 girls in 7 dormitory buildings in the Control Group.<BR>2) B fore experiment, all the subjects were asked to fill Questionnaire made up of 16 questions that were to measure how much the girls were observing “cleaning hands.”<BR>3) For the Lecture Group, 3 separate lectures were given to the selected group of 10 from each of the 3 dormitories, including the dormitory representatives who should be regarded as “gate-keeper”. To these 3 groups, the same one lecturer explained on how dysentery occurs. and how to prevent it, quoting ample examples and with the use of posters stressed the importance of carefully cleaning hands with soap to avoid the disease. The contents of the lecture was exactly alike on all three occasions. The repressntat ives were asked to tell what they had heard to all the dormitory girls. Each lecture took about 40 minutes.<BR>4) For the Discussion Group, 10 “gate-keepers” were selected from each of the 4 dormitories and discussion was held separately in each of the 4 groups. In the first place, the subjects were instructed to think about how the dormitory students can prevent dysentery now near its s ason, by smple method that can be easily practised and then to dec'de which method is most effective. Then they elected discussion leader. The discussion was conducted in such a way that the subjects could reach to the conclusion of their own. Discussion took from 15-40 minutes.<BR>5) 10 days after the experiments a survey on the practising of cleaning hands was made once snore on all the subjects using Questionnaire.<BR>Result:<BR>The extent of observation of “cleaning hands” saw measured by means of 5 points scales; namely 1) always clean ands 2) generally clean hands 3) occasionally clean hands 4) seldom clean hands 5) hardly ever clean hands. This was checked in connection with “after washing”,“before preparing table”,“before meals”,“when came home” etc. Those whose before and after experiment behavior show improvement were marked with “plus” and the contrary cases were marked with minus. Conclusion: There was significant differnce in the post-experiment improvement between D Group with the highest marks in improvement was found between L and C Groups.
- The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology
The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology 1 (2), 20-27,64, 1969
The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680436282368
- NII Article ID
- 110001897240
- NII Book ID
- AN00345837
- 10083/31697
- 00215015
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- NDL Digital Collections (NII-ELS)
- CiNii Articles
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