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  • 自由再生における系列依存的体制化
  • ジユウ サイセイ ニ オケル ケイレツ イゾンテキ タイセイカ

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Two experiments were carrid out in order to examine organization caused by presentation order. This organization is termed serial organization Subjects were required to recall learning lists presented in 1+1 procedure used by Mandler & Dean in 1969, it presented only one new item on each trial, and required subjects to make a free recall of all items so far presented. As a measure of organization the ITR (2) was used.<BR>In experiment I, presence or absence of delay after presentation combined with two kinds of learning materials i. e. words and nonsense syllables, composed four independent conditions. The intervals of delay were unfilled and lasted 10 sec.. Learning items numbered 16, each of them was presented with the help of a slide projector for 1 sec.. After each projected item subjects were given 90 sec. for recall, except subjects in delay conditions who were given 80 sec.. Subjects were 40 undergraduate and graduate students at Tokyo University of Education.<BR>The main results were a) both serial organization and subjective organization existed in the immediate-recall-of-words condition, b) only serial organization existed in the immediate-recall-of-nonsense-syllables, c) serial organization expanded but subjective organization reduced in the unfilled-delayrecall-of-words condition, d) only serial organization expanded in the unfilled-delay-recall-of-nonsense-syllables condition.<BR>The most interesting result was that rehearsal might expand serial organization but reduced subjective organization even when words were used as learning materials. So experiment II was designed to examine this point.<BR>In experiment II, the words used in experiment I were learned under two different conditions, the 10-sec-filled-delay-condition and the 20-sec-unfilled-delay condition (delay interval was twice as long as the one in experiment I). The other basic procedures were the same as experiment I. Subjects were 20 undergraduate and graduate students at Tokyo University of Education.<BR>The main results were a) serial organization expanded but subjective organization reduced in the 20-sec-unfilled-delay condition. b) subjective organization reduced but serial organization stayed constant in the 10-sec-filled-delay condition.<BR>From the above results, it was concluded that serial organization is one of the basic organizations, and considered that serial organization as well as clustering is included in objective organization.


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