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  • 精神薄弱児における数概念の発達に関する研究
  • 精神薄弱児における数概念の発達に関する研究--同一MAの正常児との比較
  • セイシン ハクジャクジ ニ オケル スウ ガイネン ノ ハッタツ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ドウイツ MA ノ セイジョウジ ト ノ ヒカク
  • A Comparison with Normal Children of the Same MA
  • 同一MAの正常児との比較

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1. Purpose and method;<BR>In the present study, the author examines how the cardinal number concept of metally-retarded children developes differently from the normal, each of whom he graded according to levels of MA. The contents of the experiments which were tried consist mainly of the following fields<BR>1) one-one correspondence of discontinuous quantities (chiefly marbles) which are all homogenous in shape and size,<BR>2) counting the-number of them,<BR>3) counting the number of discontinous quantities (kinds of plane figures) which are heterogenous to all the appearances.<BR>4) the equivalence and conservation of discontinuous quantities.<BR>Sudjects are 133 retarded children of special classes and 69 normal children who attend a kindergarden and a primary school. The mental ages of the retarded are from 3 years to 10 years and those of the normal (control group) are from 3 years to 8 years,<BR>2. Results;<BR>Main findings may be summarized as follows,<BR>1) There are little bifferences between the development of the retarded and that of the normal, both in the experiments of one-one correspondence and in those of counting the number of discontinuous quantities which are homogenous.<BR>2) But in the experiments of counting the total. number of plane figures, the results of the retarded is inferior to those of the normal. The developmental gap between two groups of children grows more evident as mental age increases. Besides the acquisition of conservation by the retarded is significantly lower than that. bythe normal of the same MA, losing one to twoyears of MA is common.<BR>3) According to the results mentioned above, it is suggested that, even though the mental agesofboth groups of children are the same, thenumber concepts, of mentally retarded children. does not always develop at the same rate as the normal, and their judgments of number are: more dominated by perceptual configurations thank the normal.


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