Selection of highly aggressive single colonies from weakly aggressive repeatedly-cultured isolates of <I>Xanthomonas campestris</I> pv. <I>oryzae</I>

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  • 継代培養中に病原力が低下したイネ白葉枯病細菌からの単集落培養による強病原力株の選出
  • ケイダイ バイヨウチュウ ニ ビョウゲンリョク ガ テイカシタ イネ シラハガ

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Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae is known to lose its aggressiveness gradually through successive transfers on artificial media. The present experiments were made to recover the aggressiveness from such weakened isolates. Many single colony subcultures obtained from the weakened isolates were tested for their aggressiveness on rice seedlings of variety Kinmaze. Results revealed that the aggressiveness of different single colony subcultures varied significantly from one to the other. Differences in the aggressiveness of those subcultures were maintained after repeated transfers, indicating that they were not due to experimental or temporal fluctuation. The original culture showed an intermediate level of aggressiveness among various single colony subcultures. Mix-inoculation with two differently aggressive subcultures resulted in various intermediate values of aggressiveness depending on the ratio of the mixed inocula. These data suggest that the old weakened isolates are the mixture of cells with different level of aggressiveness, so that we can select more aggressive isolates than the original ones by single colony subculture. A uniformly high level of aggressiveness was observed among the single colony subcultures from the isolates preserved by lyophilization.


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