Dispersability of Pigments in Aqueous Solutions of Anionic Oligosoaps

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Water-soluble oligomeric dispersants (oligosoap) for pigments were prepared by introducing carboxylic-hydroxyethyl-amide group into the side chains of maleic acid-C1-C16 alkylvinylether cooligomer (I). Namely, I was reacted for 10 minutes with a 15-fold mole ratio of 2-aminoethanol at 155-160°C, and the excess 2-aminoethanol was removed by distillation under the reduced pressure and the pasty blue product was washed with N/100 HCI solution or a small amount of water and then was dried in a vacuum.<BR>These oligosoaps exhibited a remarkable surface tension lowering property and a large dispersing action for the paticles of phthalocyanine pigment (α-Cu-Pc), carbon black and iron oxide (α-Fe2O3). It was noteworthy that the oligosoaps having the long alkyl chains of C16 and C12 exerted a good dispersing action for α-Cu-Pc which had a lipophilic surface, in comparison with the C1 derivative. Further, all of the three oligosoaps were good dispersants for α-Fe2O3 which had a hydrophilic surface. And, the dispersing action of the oligosoaps for carbon black was good in the order of C16>C1>C12<BR>These results would be attributed to the interaction between the alkyl chains or the carboxylichydroxyethylamide groups of the oligosoaps and the surface properties of the pigments examined.



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