Catalogue data system for new metallic materials

  • MAKIURA Hirofumi
    The New Materials Center, The Foundation of Osaka Science and Technology Center

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  • 金属系新素材カタログデータ・システム
  • キンゾクケイ シンソザイ カタログ データ システム

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In the event of realizing wide practical use of new metallic material, it is necessary that both manufacture and utilization sides on the material have common understanding and recognition for the performance. As one of the information source for that, a catalogue data system of new metallic material has been developed. In this system, 3000 cases of catalogue information from around 150 domestic companies were recorded into CD-ROM, and the information can easily be searched and processed using a personal computer. Introducing details on 36 kinds of the new metallic material recorded and 26 data items, this report summerizes the search method.


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