Study on the Characteristics of the Last Fishing Boats in Japan

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  • 最近の漁船の性能について
  • サイキン ノ ギョセン ノ セイノウ ニ ツイテ

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The classification of fishing boats longer than 15m which were built after 1963 were made by types of fisheries, namely trawler, purse seiner, long liner, pole and line boat, gill netter and the others. In regard to these classification, the average value from many data of principal dimension and several coefficients expressing the condition of boat shape, engine capacity, fish hold volume, number of crew were discussed. And then, their manoeuvability and stability, response function of ship's motion were arranged and calculated from the data. It can be said that the fishing boat have particular functions different from ordinary boats such as fishing operative works, etc. The capacity of the boat depends upon the kinds and scale of fisheries. But japanese fisheries regulation limits the capacity of the boat. It is the purpose of this paper to point out that the boat should be constructed to the safety of man and ship after ascertaining fishing object.


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