Nausea and motion sickness related to dizziness

  • NODA Tetsuya
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nagasaki Chuo National Hospital
  • UMENO Yuho
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tagawa City Hospital

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  • めまいに伴う悪心と動揺病

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The relationship between nausea and motion sickness was studied in 81 males and 234 females who all complained of dizziness. Nausea occurred in 49 males and 162 females. When they suffered dizziness, 39% of the males and 30% of females suffered from motion sickness. The incidence of sickness was 3% in males and 17% in females without nausea. Individuals demonstrating dizziness with nausea thus seem to be more susceptible to motion sickness. The above findings thus suggest that nausea is etiologically related to motion sickness.


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