A case with an auditory tumor case which was difficult to remove due to the presence of a high jugular bulb


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Other Title
  • 高位頸静脈球のため摘出困難であった聴神経腫瘍症例
  • -Considerations regarding the definition of a high jugular bulb and a surgical formula to accuratedly determine its height-
  • -高位の定義とその程度による手術様式についての考察-


Although a high jugular bulb (HJB) is an abnormal venous formation in the lateral bone, which we otorhinolaryngologists often encounter, it is a very rare that symptoms are caused by HJB and very few such cases have been treated by surgery. In this report, we describe our experience that it could not help giving up removing an auditory tumor using a trans-labyrinthine technique due to HJB. The patient received later underwent a suboccipital craniotomy. We next examined the height of the HJB where the auditory tumor had been removed by the trans-labyrinthine technique. As a result, it thought that a safe exposure using the trans-labyrinthine technique was achievable if there was a one-mm interval between the top of the fossa jugularis and the bottom of the internal auditory canal. When performing lateral skull base surgery in order to treat an auditory tumor in a patient who has a HJB, the size and the characteristic shape of HJB should be sufficiently evaluated before performing surgery, and a suitable surgical formular should be selected according to the HJB.


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