Study on Classification Possibility of Pork Products by Chemometrics

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  • 計量化学的手法を用いた豚肉製品分類・照合可能性の検討
  • ケイリョウ カガクテキ シュホウ オ モチイタ ブタニク セイヒン ブンルイ ・ ショウゴウ カノウセイ ノ ケントウ

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Recently, the accidents of food fraud have occurred one after another. Therefore, ensuring safety of food became imperative. First, we have examined the possibility of pork products classification in this study. Secondary, we considered that it is useful to measurement at a low cost using inorganic and vitamin component value involved in pork products. Additionally, these methods with chemometrics (discriminant analysis and analysis of variance) optimized. As a result, only quantify of the inorganic and vitamin component value, we were able to classify different types of products and products site with a high degree of accuracy in pork products.


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