Collaboration between public health nurses and the private sector

    Kagoshima University Faculty of medicine School of Health Science Department of Nursing
  • OKADA Yumiko
    Josai International University School of Nursing
  • HASEGAWA Takashi
    Chiba Prefectural University Faculty of Health Science School of Nutrition

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  • 自殺対策における保健師の NPO 等支援団体との協働方法
  • ジサツ タイサク ニ オケル ホケンシ ノ NPO トウ シエン ダンタイ ト ノ キョウドウホウホウ

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Objectives We clarified collaborations between public health nurses (PHNs) and the private sector, such as nonprofit organizations.<br/>Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 private sector organizations and 13 PHNs who collaborate with them between December 2012 to October 2013. Interview guides were: overall suicide preventive measurements, details of collaboration between private sector organizations and PHNs, and suicide prevention outcomes/issues. Data from private sector organizations and PHNs were separately analyzed and categories created using qualitative and inductive design. Private sector organizations' and PHNs' categories were compared and separated into core categories by similarities.<br/>Results Six categories were created: 1. establishing a base of mutual understanding; 2. raising public awareness of each aim/characteristic; 3. competently helping high suicidal risk persons detected during each activity; 4. guarding lives and rehabilitating livelihoods after intervention; 5. restoring suicide attempters/bereaved met in each activity; and 6. continuing/expanding activities with reciprocal cohesion/evaluation.<br/>Conclusion PHNs are required to have the following suicide prevention tasks when collaborating with private sector organizations: understanding the private sector civilization, sharing PHN experiences, improving social determinants of health, meeting basic needs, supporting foundation/difficulties each other (Dear editor. Thank you for kind comments. I was going to explain that PHNs and NPOs support each other their foundation of activity and difficulties in their activities. The foundations include knowledge, information, budgets, manpower etc. The difficulties mean like suffering faced with suicide during activities.), and enhancing local governments' flexibilities/ promptness.


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