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  • 異時性両側精巣腫瘍の1例
  • 症例報告 異時性両側精巣腫瘍の1例
  • ショウレイ ホウコク イジセイ リョウガワセイソウ シュヨウ ノ 1レイ

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The patient was a 41-year-old man with a past history of left testicular seminomatous germ cell tumor diagnosis and resection. He had right scrotum swelling nine years later. He underwent right high orchiectomy, and was diagnosed with non-seminoma. Bilateral testicular tumor is a rare disease, which usually occurs in children and younger men. The prevalence of bilateral testicular tumors including concurrent or metachronous tumors is 1-4%. In patients with metachronous bilateral testicular tumors, secondary tumor generally occurs within five years. However, there is a possibility of it developing over 10 years later. As such, there is a need for long-term observation. We report a case of metachronous bilateral testicular tumor.



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