大坂大工の営業形態 (2) 竈を構える大工と子・弟子 : 江戸時代末期における大坂の大工組に関する研究・V


  • THE CARPENTER'S PARTY IN OSAKA AT LATER EDO PERIOD : The study of carpenter's bussiness circumstances II
  • 江戸時代末期における大坂の大工組に関する研究-5-大坂大工の営業形態-2-竃を構える大工と子・弟子
  • エド ジダイ マッキ ニ オケル オオサカ ノ ダイクグミ ニカンスルケンキュ



This paper is one of a series of works in which I intend to clarify the carpenter's party by doing a research of it's history through doccuments left by a carpenter's family in Osaka. The bussiness circumstances of master carpenters and pupils will be discussed in this paper. The summary is as follows : The members of "Juban-muyori" which is one of a carpenters party in Osaka were varied 49-34 persons from 1843 to 1857, and there were many changes in them. The bussiness district of a carpenter were in Osaka, but not limitted in the district of "muyori" which he belonged to. Master carpenters and pupils were punished to stop his bussiness when they departed from their rules.


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