Projection Mapping on Tsudumi-mon at Kanazawa Sta.

DOI Open Access

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  • 金沢駅「鼓門」における鑑賞型プロジェクションマッピングの実践


Hokuriku Shinkansen Line began to operate from spring 2015. Thus City of Kanazawa promotes the regional activation. As a part of this promotion activity, we held the Projection Mapping event at Tsudumi-mon in Kanazawa Station on 10th-11th of October 2015. Our experimental work is from making concepts based on fieldworks to design and create visual contents. The point of this work is to pursuit visual representation suited to the form of Tsudumi-mon on the basis of the preliminary experiments. Furthermore, we developed computer simulation environment in 3DCG for testing mapping images on 3DCG model. 


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
    • KAKEN
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