Making of Kanji-Animation Teaching Materials to Enjoy Kanji Learning for Japanese Language Learners


Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 日本語学習者に向けた漢字を楽しむためのアニメーション教材制作
  • 学習者への評価アンケートの結果から
  • from the results of the evaluation questionnaire to learners


In this paper, we report on a kanji-animation that we designed for Japanese language learners for the purpose of “enjoying kanji learning” by reducing the consciousness that “learning kanji is difficult”. Compared with other illustrations/movies materials with a similar purpose, this animation differs in 5 respects: 1.It is a story-based movie; 2.The movie shows not simply a single kanji but is designed as one work; 3.BGM and sound are used effectively; 4.It’s not based on the history of the kanji, nor on the meaning of each part; 5.Kanji are selected from the point of view of enjoyment. As a result of the evaluation questionnaires, many learners felt something interesting. On the other hand, they answered that this animation is difficult to understand all contents.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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