NewsML for Data Interchange and Management:

  • Miyake Manabu
    Research & Development Department, Media Strategy Bureau, The Yomiuri Shimbun

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Other Title
  • NewsMLによるデータ交換と管理:
  • a Framework for presenting Multimedia News
  • マルチメディア·ニュース素材のための枠組み


NewsML is the standard format designed for newspaper companies and news agencies to interchange and manage news data. NewsML is published by International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) in October 2000. NewsML, the standard based on XML and other appropriate standards and recommendations, provides flexible frameworks to handle arbitrary mixtures of media types, formats, languages and encodings. I will explain “The structure of the NewsML Document Type Definition”, “how to describe vocabularies, which are controlled values of attributes, in handling NewsML documents universally and how to control the vocabularies”, “metadata for easy interchange of data”, and “how to create a NewsML document and interchange it”. While NewsML is originally a standard for news data, it is supposed to be appropriate format to interchange and manage the other type of data.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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