Characterization of chitin elicitor receptor complex in rice

  • Shimizu Takeo
    Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
  • Kaku Hanae
    Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
  • Shibuya Naoto
    Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University

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Other Title
  • イネキチンエリシター受容体複合体の解析


CEBiP, chitin elicitor binding protein in rice, plays an important role as a cell surface receptor for chitin elicitor signaling1). As CEBiP seemed not to have any intracellular domain, it was suggested that other partner protein(s) are involved for the signaling across the membrane. Blue native PAGE as well as SDS-PAGE/western blotting of membrane proteins with/without the pre-treatment with cross-linking agents also indicated the presence of CEBiP-receptor complex. A receptor-like kinase of rice, OsLysM-RLK9 was chosen as a candidate of such a partner protein, as it has a high sequence homology with CERK1 (Chitin Elicitor receptor Kinase), an indispensable component for chitin elicitor signaling in A. thaliana2), and examined for the possible interaction with CEBiP. Yeast two-hybrid analysis showed the positive interaction between CEBiP and OsLysM-RLK9, indicating the possible receptor complex formation by these two proteins. <br>1)Kaku et al., PNAS, 103, 11086 ('06), 2)Miya et al., PNAS, in press.


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