2108 Modern PM as the Way to Achieve an Objective : What if "What if Drucker" were "What if PM"


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  • 2108 PMは結果を出すための近道 : 「もしドラ」が「もしPM」なら(一般セッション)


In the best seller "What if Drucker", the female manager of a high school baseball team applies Drucker's management to achieve the project objective to qualify for the national tournament. In the PM world, many would like to try to compare it to modern PM, because PM is no less a way to achieve the objectives within a limited timeframe. By discussing the purpose, customer, and marketing for an organization dealt with by the novel, it becomes clear how the modern management and PM are related to and distinct from each other. This paper aims at showing that PM is more appropriate and specific knowledge to achieve the objectives and goals.


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    • CiNii Articles
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