Networked Service Robots with the information on personal interest


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  • 個人属性情報を用いたネットワークサービスロボット


It is against the background of IT having developed that "KANTAN K-TAI" was released and very popular.It shows that electrical devices have too many functions for people to handle them. Will we decrease functions on every device? In this paper, I propose the method that systems understand people and support us. I believe it is the only and best way to develop devices among us. A bunch of functions make it difficult to use equipments easily. Due to solve this problem I've worked on system offering an appropriate function to an appropriate user. In this paper, I show the system that inferences appropriate functions from Personal Taste Ontology and support actively. If you use this system, you will find the function you need with just a few touches. I found a number of data are outputted from people's social data. At last I demonstrate the effectiveness and impact of this system by two applications on networked robots on stores and cars.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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