Study on the Cognitive Characteristics of the Greenery Based on Human-Green Contact

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  • 緑との接触行動を基調とした緑の認識特性に関する研究
  • ミドリ ト ノ セッショク コウドウ オ キチョウ ト シタ ミドリ ノ ニン

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This study intends to clarify the greenery (landscape) image, cognitive structure and spacial structure which community residents have harbored. The interrelation between human-green contact and intensity of cognition to greenery and also the interrelation between human-green contact and the visual point to perceive the greenery were analized and discussed from the aspect of geographical space. As the result, the following issues were clarified. The intensity of cognition to greenery and the visual characteristic of perception to greenery were impressed with scale and quality and also affected the selection of daily route and distance between resident and greenery.


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