Study on the Existing Effects of Green Space for Residential Environment

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  • 居住環境形成に係わる緑地の存在効果に関する研究
  • キョジュウ カンキョウ ケイセイ ガ カカワル リョクチ ノ ソンザイ コウカ

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This study aims to clarify the existing effects of green space relating to consolidation of residential environment by conducting questionnaires on the residents around the green space. The results of this study are summarized as follows;<BR>1) The evaluation to the existing effects of green space is the highest at the naturally supplied green areas, and amenity effects follow next. The range of these two effects is wide.<BR>2) The evaluation to the micrometeorological control effects and the noise reduction effect is lower than the afore-mentioned two effects, and the range of the effect is narrow.<BR>3) The more there are visible green space and frequency of human green contact, the higher the evaluation to the existing effects of green space becomes.


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