都市及び地域における空間構成に関する緑地計画工学的研究 (1)


  • Studies on Space Organization in City and Region based on Urban Landscape Design (1)
  • トシ オヨビ チイキ ニ オケル クウカン コウセイ ニ カンスル リョクチ ケイカク コウガクテキ ケンキュウ 1



The planner's and designer's obscure consideration of space organization in process of environmental design and planning is making unreasonable space for people by a different measure of value in implicated society. Because, in case of the organization of open space, it is no good for lack of thinking how do we consider the basic humanity in the planning space, how do we model itand how do we construct it. We may say, on the other hand, as the persuasive power for the need of hnmanzied open space is week, the peopie lose judgement of value for space. As a natural course of evnt, they fall into the loss of humanized open space as an environment of people. In the present the out-door space is recognized as quantity rather than as quality a point of view function. And that we do not understand enough the space organization which was constructed unconsciously as the basic of humanity in the past.<BR>Therefore, I believe that we must establish the autonomy of plan as a property of society. We must define the process of space organization to create the humanized space in planning and design a point of view landscape architect.<BR>We must study the concept and the ohysical or fantasy of space organization which is operated in process of thinking of environmental planning and design and we must define the reaction between conceptual and physical.<BR>For that reason, we must accumulate the case studies of the space organization. Through the case studies we discover the system of space organization in occurin phenomena of physica world and we perceive that order. And next, it seems to me that we eliminate thespeciality of physical form as a process of space organization and then we will get at the essential stage of fundamental of pace element.


  • 造園雑誌

    造園雑誌 34 (2), 2-9,15, 1970

    社団法人 日本造園学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

