Intelligent Driving Support System using Fuzzy Instruction

  • Itsui Tomohiko
    University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systemsand Infomation Engineering
  • Yasunobu Seiji
    University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systemsand Infomation Engineering

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Other Title
  • ファジィ支援情報の形状提示による四輪車運転支援の提案


A four-wheel vehicle is used in various environments. However, it is difficult for some people to drive it safely. Therefore, development of the system that supports driving is demanded. We propose an operation support system based on a human knowledge. We used the intellectual control machine that built the human knowledge into the control machine as a supporting system. The purpose of the proposal system is to offer an adequate, flexible support to those who drive. And, supporting information is plainly presented. In this paper, it explains details of the proposed system, and the effectiveness is evaluated by the experiment.


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    • CiNii Articles
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