Evaluation of the association between plasma homocysteine concentration and schizophrenia by Mendelian randomization analysis

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  • メンデル無作為化解析を用いた統合失調症と血中ホモシステイン濃度との関連の検討(<特集>ビタミンB研究委員会平成25年度シンポジウム「ビタミンB群が担う脳内アミノ酸代謝と疾患をターゲットにした次世代学術研究-ビタミン研究が切り拓く疾患生命科学のフロンティア」)
  • メンデル無作為化解析を用いた統合失調症と血中ホモシステイン濃度との関連の検討
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Previous meta-analyses of studies on the association between blood homocysteine concentration and schizophrenia suggest that elevated blood homocysteine concentration is a risk factor for schizophrenia. However, observational studies on this association have potential problems such as confounding and reverse causation. Mendelian randomization analysis is a method to analyze instrumental variables using genetic variants and can be used for assessing causal relationships. Therefore, we used this Mendelian randomization analysis to investigate the association between blood homocysteine concentration and schizophrenia. As a result, we demonstrated that increased blood homocysteine concentration might be associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia in the Japanese population. This result will offer important insight into the pathophysiology and treatments of schizophrenia.



    VITAMINS 88 (8), 413-418, 2014


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