A fundamental study of foot care for the falls prevention in subjects aged 75 and over living at home


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  • 在宅後期高齢者の転倒予防に向けたフットケアに関する基礎的研究
  • -足部の形態・機能と転倒経験および立位バランスとの関連-
  • -Relationship among structure and function of the foot, history of falling and standing balance-


For the study to find the needs of foot care for falls prevention, we investigated the structure and function of foot, standing balance and history of falling within a year in 95 subjects aged 75 and over living at home.<br> The abnormal structure of foot was observed in 44.2%, and those of skin and toenails in more than 70%. Concerning to the function of foot, abnormal sensory disturbances to touch and pressure, vibration and two-point discrimination were found in more than 60%, and abnormal blood circulation was also observed in more than 60%. The rate of those who complained of numbness and pain of foot were 91.6%.<br> The experience of nearly falling was associated with feeling of cold, fatigue, cramp, callosity and hallux valgus of foot , and history of falling was with pain, callosity and epidermolysis of foot. From the result of posturograhic examination, poor standing balance was significantly associated with pruritus, epidermolysis, and abnormal sensation of touch and pressure. From these results, it was proved that the abnormal structure and function of foot was significantly associated with history of falling and poor standing balance. So, it was suggested that foot care is very important for falls prevention.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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