A Kernel Wound Inoculation Method for Selecting Forage Maize (<i>Zea mays</i> L.) Resistant to Ear Rot Caused by <i>Fusarium graminearum </i>s. str
- Minato Keiko
- Hokkaido Research Organization, Agriculture Research Department Animal Research Center
- Iida Kenji
- Hokkaido Research Organization, Agriculture Research Department Animal Research Center
- Yamakawa Masaaki
- Present address:SNOW BRAND SEED CO., LTD.
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- Other Title
- 有傷接種法を用いた<i>Fusarium graminearum</i> s.str.による飼料用トウモロコシ(<i>Zea mays </i>L.)の赤かび病抵抗性検定法
- 有傷接種法を用いたFusarium graminearum s.str.による飼料用トウモロコシ(Zea mays L.)の赤かび病抵抗性検定法
- ユウショウ セッシュホウ オ モチイタ Fusarium graminearum s.str.ニ ヨル シリョウヨウ トウモロコシ(Zea mays L.)ノ アカカビ ビョウ テイコウセイ ケンテイホウ
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We examined the potential of an assay for assessing corn ear rot resistance induced by wound inoculation with Fusarium graminearum s.str. in five maize hybrids (relative maturity : 73-80 days) used for producing silage in Hokkaido Prefecture. The effects of the spore concentration and inoculation timing of inocula on the disease incidence were examined and the relationship between disease incidence and deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation was clarified. Inoculation to the different maize hybrids with a spore suspension of 1-5 × 105 spores/ml 10-15days after silking revealed differences in corn ear rot resistance among hybrids. Although a strong positive correlation was observed between disease incidence and DON concentration (P < 0.01), DON concentration was very high in some hybrids even though the disease incidences were similar compared with other hybrids. We propose that measurements of DON accumulation in infected plants should be incorporated into assays used to evaluate corn ear rot in maize.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 60 (3), 193-199, 2014
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680728707200
- NII Article ID
- 130005058931
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 025886164
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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