Comparative Studies of Ensiling Characteristics Between Temperate and Tropical Species : 1. The effect of various ensiling conditions on the silage quality of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum LAM.) and Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana KUNTH.)
- KIM Kyoung-Hoon
- Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
- UCHIDA Senji
- Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
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- Other Title
- 寒地型草種と暖地型草種のサイレージ特性に関する比較研究 : 1. イタリアンライグラス(Lolium multiflorum LAM.)並びにローズグラス(Chloris gayana KUNTH.)サイレージの品質に対する調製条件の影響
- 寒地型草種と暖地型草種のサイレージ特性に関する比較研究-1-イタリアンライグラス(Lolium multiflorum Lam.)並びにローズグラス(Chloris gayana Kunth.)サイレージの品質に対する調製条件の影響〔英文〕
- カンチガタ ソウシュ ト ダンチガタ ソウシュ ノ サイレージ トクセイ ニ
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Italian ryegrass (IRG) and Rhodesgrass (RG) harvested at the heading stage and the early flowering stage were ensiled in duplicate into 41 capacity experimental laboratory silos. Factors affecting these silage qualities, including moisture content, mechanical treatment, preservation temperature and addition of commercial inoculant (Lactobacillus casei) were investigated. Both materials to be ensiled had high moisture condition, 83 to 85%. The main chemical properties of RG compared to IRG were lower WSC and true protein contents of 4.1% DM and 86.7% total-N, and higher NDF, ADF and hemicellulose. In the IRG silages, wilting laceration and preservation temperature of 5℃ and 36℃ resulted in greatly increased lactic acid and decreased acetic acid and VBN contents compared with the control. Commercial inoculant did not affect the IRG silage. In RG silages, addition of 0.2% commercial inoculant only produced higher content of lactic acid and decreased the pH value compared with the control. Laceration and 36℃ of preservation temperature did not have a substantial effect on the quality of RG silages. The pH value, acetic acid and VBN content of RG silages were higher compared with IRG silages. The present study suggested the need of more detailed researches on these confirmed ensiling nature of tropical forages.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 36 (3), 292-299, 1990
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680730184960
- NII Article ID
- 110006410243
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 3696153
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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