- SUGINOBU Ken-ichi
- Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station
- SHIMANUKI Tadayuki
- Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station
- SAKUMA Tsutomu
- Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station:(Present address)Fruit Tree Research Station, Morioka Branch
- MAKI Yoshisuke
- Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station
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- Other Title
- アカクローバ茎割病抵抗性の遺伝
- アカクローバ ケイカツビョウ テイコウセイ ノ イデン
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In order to clarify the inheritance of northern anthracnose (Kabatiella caulivora) (Kirchn.) Karak.) resistance in red clover, the expriments were carried out through 1973 to 1976. Two resistant parental plants from two cultivars (R-1, R-2) and two susceptible parental plants (S-1, S-3) from two cultivars were crossed. Seven resistant F_1's of resistant plant×resistant plant were inter-crossed each other, and 12 F_2's were obtained. Seven resistant F_1's of resistant plant×resistant plant were also test-crossed with susceptible plant, S-1. The spore suspension (10^6/ml.) of race "K-1" were inoculated under the condition of 19-22℃ and 100% of humidity for 48 hours. After the inoculation, the plants were water-sprayed 4 to 5 times a day in order to keep high humidity. Susceptibility was checked on the 14th day after inoculation. Artificial inoculation was repeated three times, and when discrepancies occurred between the three ratings in the three inoculation on a plant, the plant was assigned to the higher rating basis of susceptibilities are as follows; Resistant: no visible symptoms or minute black flecks on the stem or the petiole. Susceptible: longitudinal grayish brown spots in the stem or the petiole. The following results are obtained: 1. F_1 plants of resistant parental plant×resistant parental plant segregated in a ratio of 9 resistant to 7 susceptible. F_1 plants of resistant parental plant×susceptible parental plant segregated in a ratio of 1 resistant to 3 susceptible. F_1 plants of susceptible parental plant×susceptible parental plant were all susceptible. 2. In the crosses of resistant F_1 plants of resistant parental plant×resistant parental plant with the susceptible plant, S-1, the immediate progenies segregated in a ratio of 1 resistant to 3 susceptible or in a ratio of 1 resistant to 1 susceptible. 3. Six F_2's out of 12 inter-crosses of the 7 resistant F_1 plants segregated in a ratio of 3 resistant to 1 susceptible. The other six F_2's were all resistant. From the above results, the resistance to Kabatiella caulivora (Kirchn.) Karak. was controlled by two dominant complementary genes.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 22 (4), 231-235, 1976
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680730476928
- NII Article ID
- 110006464843
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 1801606
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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