- TAMURA Yoshifumi
- Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- TSUKUDA Kazutami
- Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station
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- Other Title
- シコクビエの生育,再生におよぼす遮光の影響
- シコクビエ ノ セイイク サイセイ ニ オヨボス シャコウ ノ エイキョウ
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A series of experiments was carried out to clarify the effect of shading on the growth of African millet. The plants were divided into two groups and then grown under contrasting light condition of (a) full sunlight, (b) shaded to 60% of full sunlight. 1. Effect of continuous shading: The rate of reduction of the dry weight due to continuous shading attained highest value at 20 days after commencement of shading and this being greater with root than with shoot, with leaf sheath than with leaf blade and culm. Total nitrogen %(T-N%) was increased and total available carbohydorate %(TAC%) was decreased as shading treatments were continued. The ratio of T-N% of plants under 60% shading to full sunlight was heighest at 20 days after commencement of shading and lowest in TAC%. 2. Effects of different period of shading (10-20 days) at different growth stages of plants: Dry weight of plants at cutting was recorded higher with 10 days shading than 20 days shading, but dry weight of regrowth of plants was reduced more markedly with 10 days shading than 20 days shading. 3. Effect of shading prior to cutting at different growth stages on the growth under different level of nitrogen application: The reduction of dry weight due to shading at cutting and regrowth was shown greater at early growth stage and under high level of nitrogen application. 4. Relation between shading and regrowth reported here seems to be explained by the growth stage of tillers at the time of cutting as morphological factor and T-N%, TAC% as physiological factors.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 22 (3), 180-185, 1976
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680730496384
- NII Article ID
- 110006464837
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 1797773
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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