Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Microflora and Fermentation Quality of Silages Containing Tofu Cake or Brewer's Grain
- TANAKA Osamu
- National Grassland Research Institute:(Present address)Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- AKIYAMA Fumiaki
- National Grassland Research Institute:(Present address)Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- YAMADA Akihisa
- National Grassland Research Institute:(Present address)Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- ANDO Sada
- National Grassland Research Institute:(Present address)Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
- UEGAKI Ryuichi
- National Grassland Research Institute:(Present address)National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences
- National Grassland Research Institute:(Present address)National Institute of Animal Industry
- KUME Tamikazu
- National Grassland Research Institute:Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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- Other Title
- トウフ粕及びビール粕を材料としたサイレージの微生物相及び発酵品質にγ線照射が及ぼす影響
- トウフ カス オヨビ ビール カス オ ザイリョウ ト シタ サイレージ ノ ビセイブツソウ オヨビ ハッコウ ヒンシツ ニ ガンマセン ショウシャ ガ オヨボス エイキョウ
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We propard laboratory-scale silages of tofu cake and brewer's grain mixed with or without Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflourm Lam.)or alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.), irradiated them with gamma rays prior to storage and examined the microflora and fermentation quality of them. 1)Spore-forming bacteria, which can cause butyric fermentation of silage, molds and yeasts, which can cause aerobic deterioration of silage, were eliminated from the silages with doses of 8kGy, 4kGy and 16kGy, respectively. Aerobic bacteria in the silages decreased to less than 10^3 cfu/g with a 16kGy dose. Irrespective of gammairradiation, fow yeasts were detected from the silages containing alfalfe. 2)Among the silages exposed to a 16kGy dose, the silages containing brewer's grain contained the largest amounts of lactic acid and were of the lowest pH. The lactic acid bacteria in them lost ability of colony formation with the 16kGy dose but kept lactic acid producticity. These results suggest that a 16kGy dose are necessary to inhibit butyric fermentation and aerobic deterioration of silage and that addition of brewer's grain in the ensiling process may improve the fermentation quality of the irradiated silage.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 47 (3), 274-282, 2001
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680730759040
- NII Article ID
- 110003850196
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 5906445
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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