
  • 西川 純司
    京都大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程 日本学術振興会


  • Home Hygiene and Window Glass
  • 家庭衛生と窓ガラス : 一九二〇~三〇年代日本の住宅言説における「明るさ」をめぐって
  • カテイ エイセイ ト マド ガラス : イチキュウニ〇~サン〇ネンダイ ニホン ノ ジュウタク ゲンセツ ニ オケル 「 アカルサ 」 オ メグッテ
  • 一九二〇~三〇年代日本の住宅言説における「明るさ」をめぐって
  • On “Brightness” in the Discourse about the House in 1920s - 30s Japan



Although the earlier studies on governmentality in Japan have shown that thegovernmental system used hygiene as an opportunity to incorporate modern Japanesefamilies, not enough attention has been paid to technologies and materials. However, it isimperative to pay attention to them in studies on governmentality. Therefore, this paperwill consider the state of living space for the modern family and its status, by analyzingthe word “brightness” in discourses about the house in 1920s-30s Japan. In particular, itwill focus on the windowpane in the house. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, “brightness” or “bright” space in thediscourses about the house during this period functioned as a word meaning a “hygienicand homely space”, and the image of that space was valued as desirable and wasregarded as normative. In addition, hygienic practices by housewives were also seen inthis “brightness”. It was understood as the practice being related to the gain of identityas housewife and the home peace. Second, this paper demonstrates that the technology of window glass was important inthe government’s system in which the modern family became the strategic foothold. The“bright” space and the appropriate positioning and maintenance of windowpanes becamethe essential elements for making rules regarding the hygienic environment of themodern family. Window glass played an extremely important role for the lives of peoplein modern Japan.


  • ソシオロジ

    ソシオロジ 56 (3), 3-18,190, 2012




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