

  • Gender and Working Roles in Television Commercials
  • テレビ広告におけるジェンダーと労働役割--日本とタイの比較から
  • テレビ コウコク ニ オケル ジェンダー ト ロウドウ ヤクワリ ニホン ト タイ ノ ヒカク カラ
  • 日本とタイの比較から
  • A Comparison between Japanese and Thai Television Commercials



Television advertisements are a rich source of data for social scientists to investigate because they can be seen as a reflection of prevailing cultural values. Gender value is also one of the critical factors in developing marketing strategies via advertising messages. Most studies reveal that advertisements reflect the construction of gender roles in society. Additionally, although research of gender roles in advertisements iswell-studied in the United States, an understanding of their portrayal in an international context is limited. Therefore, this paper compares gender roles focusing on working roles in television commercials between Japan and Thailand. This comparative content analysis of approximately 1,700 sampling advertisements within the 2003-2006 period suggests a possible reversal of traditional patterns of literature. Though the proportion of working women in Thailand (66.3%) is quite higher than that of Japan (48.4%), this proportion in Thai (15.7%) and Japanese (17.9%) commercials is insignificantly different. The television commercials of both countries portray the image of housewife. In Japan, Japanese advertisements portray the image of a Japanese woman and family. On the other hand, though the proportion of working women in Thailand is very high, Thai advertisements reflect the trend of gender roles by constructing an ideal image of the housewife in an urban area. This result depicts that the appearance of around 60% of Thai women who work in the agricultural sector is marginalized by the advertising and marketing process. In summary, the analysis refutes the conclusion that the roles of male and female in advertising correspond with the construction of gender roles in reality. In contrast, advertisements reflect the ideal image of gender roles in society. Moreover, according to the trend of “housewifization” in Asian society, this research suggests further study to pursue the appearance of housewife in television commercials among other Asian countries as well.


  • ソシオロジ

    ソシオロジ 52 (3), 71-86,234, 2008


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