

  • The neural basis for temporal integration of visual information in short term memory(<Special Edition>Brain Imaging and Psychonomic Science)
  • 視覚的短期記憶における視覚情報の時間的統合に関わる神経基盤の検討
  • シカクテキ タンキ キオク ニ オケル シカク ジョウホウ ノ ジカンテキ トウゴウ ニ カカワル シンケイ キバン ノ ケントウ



The neural basis for temporal integration of visual information in short term memory. We investigated the neural basis of integration of temporally separated bilateral asymmetrical dot patterns by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A symmetrical dot pattern with a small asymmetric region was temporally separated into two patterns and presented sequentially. The participants were asked to find the asymmetrical region by temporally integrating the patterns. When the second array was presented after a brief (40ms) or a long (2560ms) interval the performance was good. However, the performance declined when the interval was intermediate (160ms). For all stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) conditions the prefrontal cortex and the posterior parietal cortex were activated. For the Long SOA condition the superior parietal lobule was strongly activated. Furthermore, the inferior temporal gyrus, which is involved in form perception and object recognition, was activated. This result suggested that the dot patterns would be encoded in visual short term memory as global figures.




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